Block Sexting Messages with WhatsApp Spy App

WhatsApp Spy Software

As per the latest studies and statistics, sexting has quite increased lately at an alarming rate. The rising number of android smartphone users and teenagers using social media apps globally has made this problem even more terrible. It is estimated that almost 70% of the teenagers that are using smartphones have shared an adult message once in their life.

Can any of you as a parent ever imagine waking up one day and looking at your kid’s nude photo circulating on the Internet? Here are some stats that the parents should be aware of:

·         40% of teenage girls share their nude pictures as a joke
·         34% teenagers do it in order to feel sexy
·         12% do it as a result of peer pressure

Though two adults sexting with consent is not illegal but, if the sexually explicit conversations or images include a participant who is under eighteen years of age, it can bring child pornography laws in actions. In any such scenario, a teen is convicted of dissemination of child pornography, he/she could get into jail for it.

How to block sexting messages with WhatsApp Spy App?
Sexting activities cannot be controlled by the parents on 24x7 basis. But, the point is that as parents every parent wants to give their child the best. So, it’s best to maintain an open and friendly relationship with your children all the time. This helps your children in opening up to you and would even come up to inform you if they are into any type of trouble. But, as a parent it’s your duty to always inform your kids about the various consequences they can come across while using the internet.

Therefore, you need a special tool to get rid of all these troubles. With ONESPY WhatsApp Spy App you will get a hint if your kids are indulged in sexting or have done sexting previously. Whenever your child is sharing any sexually explicit images over the web or on social media platforms, you can get information about it with just a single click.

With ONESPY’s WhatsApp Spy App for Android phones, you get all the chat messages which are shared over the social media applications like WhatsApp Messenger, Skype Messenger, Facebook Messenger, Tinder, Snapchat, Viber, LINE, Kik messenger or any of the other popular ones with the click of a button.

In this digital age, everything that your child is sharing on the internet can be monitored with the help of WhatsApp Spy App by you. WhatsApp Spy app comes loaded with all the features that you require for tracking your kids’ android mobile phone without any trouble. It provides parents with huge advantages of preventing their kids. Also, it has to be made understand to everyone that sexting is unhealthy and can lead to cyberbullying to in most of the cases.

WhatsApp Spy App
If you are able to set physical boundaries in the physical world of your children, ONESPY WhatsApp Spy App allows you to set the boundaries digitally without any trouble. A WhatsApp Spy Software has all the necessary features which you may require to get rid of all of your phone tracking worries.

All over the world, every parent wants to raise their child as a responsible adult. Sexting, these days in the actual world is real and the effects associated with can be quite damaging.  Therefore, before your kids fall into the trap of sexting, make sure you safeguard them with ONESPY WhatsApp Spy App. A WhatsApp Spy will help in preventing your kids from danger and no additional efforts would be required at all.

Other features offered by WhatsApp Spy App
·         Hidden Call recorder– With a WhatsApp spy, you can even record all the phone calls that are made over the target cell phone. The calls be incoming or outgoing. You can access all the cell phone history and all call logs with ONESPY WhatsApp Spy App. Not only this, but it also offers you with the complete call duration along with contact name and other info.

·         SMS tracking- It’s not necessary that sexting is done over WhatsApp or any other social media messenger only, it can be done over SMS’s too. Check if your child is actually doing any sexting over text messages. With ONESPY WhatsApp Spy App you can get access to all the text messages sent or received by just a single click.

·         Data of all the applications installed– If you’re worried that your child may be using online dating applications which they should not use and be sharing inappropriate messages over there, ONESPY WhatsApp Spy app is the solution for you. It will even update you with the messages and images being shared on it.

·         Track GPS locations- The app notifies you about the live GPS location of the target android phone. Not only this, you can figure out the exact location of the target phone an d person with exact address, longitude and latitude. You can track them easily on google maps with the help of this.

How to Install ONESPY WhatsApp Spy App
The process of installing ONESPY WhatsApp Spy App is very easy and will hardly take 5 minutes. For installing WhatsApp Spy App for Android, just go to ONESPY’s website i.e. and from there look for the compatibility option of the application with your target android mobile phone. If ONESPY WhatsApp Spy App is compatible with your kid’s android smartphone, you can proceed further. In case it isn’t, you can contact ONESPY to check with their team to help you out in this matter.

ONESPY WhatsApp Spy is almost compatible with nearly every other Android smartphone in the market and offers you with the highest number of striking features. With the help of ONESPY WhatsApp Spy App, you can not only track your kid’s android smartphone but, you can track quite a lot of other things and various mobile apps.

Once you’ve checked the phone’s compatibility, check for the packages that are available on the website. Whichever package and its features suit you, go for that. Purchase it and start monitoring your kids right away.

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