Stay safe from fake bank apps by an Android Spy Software

ONESPY Android Spy Software

Web scams happens a lot, behind the motive of certain monetary gains. Fraudsters trick the internet users by fooling them into certain tricks. There is an evident increase in the money related frauds through the internet. To ensure the monetary safety for everyone, an Android Spy Software has become important. The limits and the ways that were set by the fraudsters, have changed. Their tricks have become technical and riskier and there is no tracing back to the fraudsters. In more than 90% cases of online scams, the money which is lost is never returned or found.

After the technological revolution of the world, every business, service, product and brand were coming online and making sure of its healthy and strong online image. Everyone wanted to be on the internet and to mark its presence over it. Banking experienced a sudden growth in its technical genre and it wholesomely became digital. Today, there are banks which are only online. They don’t have physical branches or centres and they only work digitally with the use of the internet. Rise of digital payment wallets is also an example of banking digitalisation and expansion.

ONESPY is an Android Spy App which uses the best self created Android Spy Software to track the online activities of the Android smartphones. its expertise over the years excel the expertise of the online fraudsters and scammers. The Android Spy Software of ONESPY is accurate, upgraded and impenetrable.

Fake Bank Apps

Sophos Labs, an IT security firm has said in its report that there are fake Android apps of banks present in the Google Play Store and that these fake apps may have compromised the data of thousands of bank customers. The fake Android bank apps have the same thumbnail and logo, of that of the legit bank apps and this makes the customers to fall into the trap of the tricksters. The report also said that the delusive malware of these apps may have stolen the data of thousands of customers and also the credit/debit card details.

The banks which have the highest number or the highest frequency of the fake apps in the Google Play Store are, State Bank of India, ICICI bank, Axis Bank and Citi Bank. However, this report has been taken into consideration by most of the banks and they have promised to look into the matter. News of fake Android apps is not new, maybe the frequency and threat of such fake apps is not so grave, but this is a matter of great risk and dangers. An Android Spy Software will always help the users to be sure of any usage of fake apps by any family member.

These fake apps have said to be attracting the customers by posting some great offers, rewards and cashback schemes. This can be a matter of concern for the parents of teenagers. Teenage kids usually get attracted by such offers of rewards and cashbacks. They want to use the power of the internet to make everything easier and cheaper. No doubt there are many legit great offers by the bank apps and other digital wallets. But, sometimes the threat might be real and alluring.

ONESPY Android Spy App
The use of an Android Spy App will help in analysing the online usage of these kids and saving them from making any kind of monetary loss. ONESPY owes to its super advanced Android Spy Software which makes it into an accurate and efficient Android Spy. This assists the parents in knowing the exact internet usage pattern of their kids, which in turn helps a lot in sensing any potential threat towards them.

Other frequent online monetary scams

Scammers not only rely on one trick to make their play. They have many scams and tricks in making, which are continuously upgrading themselves. Which imply, that we should also be upgraded if we want to call the bluff out of their tricks. Outlines here are some of the major types of monetary scams.

Fake Investments

Fraudsters take advantage of your will to make money online. They put out fake luring ads of making money from a scratch of your investments. Many people fall into this trap of investing the money and that money goes into a complete loss. Definitely not a good way of investing.

Advantages from emotions

Dating sites are the meeting point of two strangers and falling in love with each other. The partners are authentic in a considerate amount of times but usually it is a fraud into making illegal money. The motive is to make a person trust you and then asking for some financial help. This type of scams prey upon the kids to make them lending a sum to their fake online partners. With an Android Spy Software, a parent can keep an eye on the dating apps of their kids.

Bogus Charities

Many scammers impersonate themselves into some kind of NGO’s and they demand money for the cancer patients or for the survivors of a natural calamity. Many people with good hearts are looking to share some money with the NGO’s to help the persons in need. Scammers take advantage of calamities and diseases to make people fall for making a charity.

One should be aware of all the types of online scams in order to save themselves and their families from them. ONESPY’s Android Spy Software helps a lot in keeping a full track of the target phone’s online activities.

ONESPY’s Android Spy Software is the best

ONESPY uses the best Android Spy Software to provide the best tracking and monitoring features to its users. It has more than 30 upgraded features which work in a combination to cater the user with a complete tracking service. 

With the digitalization and increase in the technology, ONESPY has made its Android Spy Software upgraded according to the new threats which lurk in the online world. It also has the best upgraded GPS tracking feature which tells the exact location of the target phone, enabling the parents to know the location of their kids.

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